Function sapnwrfc::binding::RfcSetAbapObject
pub unsafe extern "C" fn RfcSetAbapObject(
name: *const SAP_UC,
errorInfo: *mut RFC_ERROR_INFO
) -> RFC_RC
Copies the object into the target object of the parent container.
The target field needs to be of type RFCTYPE_ABAPOBJECT.
Note: If you want to avoid the copy operation, use RfcGetAbapObject() and if the instance already exists set the subfields here, instead of the sequence RfcCreateAbapObject()/ setting the subfields/ #RfcSetAbapObject().
\in dataHandle A data container (function handle, structure handle, table handle or object handle). If dataHandle is a table handle, the function will set the field value of the current row. \in *name The name of the field to set. \in value The object to copy. \out *errorInfo Field does not exist or is not of type RFCTYPE_ABAPOBJECT? \return RFC_RC