Module sapnwrfc::binding
pub use self::_RFCTYPE as RFCTYPE; |
pub use self::_RFC_RC as RFC_RC; |
pub use self::_RFC_ERROR_GROUP as RFC_ERROR_GROUP; |
pub use self::_RFC_UNIT_STATE as RFC_UNIT_STATE; |
pub use self::_RFC_CALL_TYPE as RFC_CALL_TYPE; |
pub use self::_RFC_DIRECTION as RFC_DIRECTION; |
RfcAddClassAttribute⚠ |
Adds a new attribute (field, structure, table, method) to the class description. |
RfcAddClassDesc⚠ |
Adds a class description to the cache for the specified R/3 System. |
RfcAddException⚠ |
Adds a new ABAP Exception to the function description. |
RfcAddFunctionDesc⚠ |
Adds a function description to the cache for the specified R/3 System. |
RfcAddImplementedInterface⚠ |
Adds an interface to the list of implemented interfaces of the given class. |
RfcAddParameter⚠ |
Adds a new parameter (IMPORTING, EXPORTING, CHANGING, TABLES) to the function description. |
RfcAddParentClass⚠ |
Sets the parent classes of the given class. |
RfcAddTypeDesc⚠ |
Adds a type description to the cache. |
RfcAddTypeField⚠ |
Adds a new field to the type description. |
RfcAppendNewRow⚠ |
Appends a new empty row at the end of the table and moves the table cursor to that row. |
RfcAppendNewRows⚠ |
Appends a set of new empty rows at the end of the table and moves the table cursor to the first new row. |
RfcAppendRow⚠ |
Appends an existing row to the end of the table and moves the table cursor to that row. |
RfcCloneStructure⚠ |
Clones a sructure including the data in it. |
RfcCloneTable⚠ |
Clones a table including all the data in it. (Use with care...) |
RfcCloseConnection⚠ |
Closes an RFC connection |
RfcConfirmTransaction⚠ |
Removes the TID contained in the RFC_TRANSACTION_HANDLE from the backend's ARFCRSTATE table. |
RfcConfirmUnit⚠ |
Removes the UID from the backend's status management. |
RfcCreateAbapObject⚠ |
Creates an ABAP object handle with the given class description handle. |
RfcCreateClassDesc⚠ |
Creates an empty class description with the given name. |
RfcCreateFunction⚠ |
Creates a data container that can be used to execute function calls in the backend via RfcInvoke(). |
RfcCreateFunctionDesc⚠ |
Creates an empty function description with the given name. |
RfcCreateMetadataQueryResult⚠ |
Creates the metadata query result |
RfcCreateStructure⚠ |
Creates a data container for a structure. |
RfcCreateTable⚠ |
Creates a data container for a table. |
RfcCreateTransaction⚠ |
Creates a container for executing a (multi-step) transactional call. |
RfcCreateTypeDesc⚠ |
Creates an empty type description with the given name. |
RfcCreateUnit⚠ |
Create a bgRFC unit. |
RfcDeleteAllRows⚠ |
Deletes all rows from the table. |
RfcDeleteCurrentRow⚠ |
Deletes the row, on which the table cursor is currently positioned. |
RfcDescribeAbapObject⚠ |
Returns the metadata description of the given ABAP object handle. |
RfcDescribeFunction⚠ |
Returns the metadata description for the given function module. |
RfcDescribeMetadataQueryResult⚠ |
Describes the metadata query result |
RfcDescribeType⚠ |
Returns the metadata description of the given structure or table (RFC_STRUCTURE_HANDLE or RFC_TABLE_HANDLE). |
RfcDestroyAbapObject⚠ |
Destroys an ABAP object handle. |
RfcDestroyClassDesc⚠ |
Deletes the class description and releases the allocated resources. |
RfcDestroyFunction⚠ |
Releases all memory used by the data container. |
RfcDestroyFunctionDesc⚠ |
Deletes the function description and releases the allocated resources. |
RfcDestroyMetadataQueryResult⚠ |
Destroys the metadata query result |
RfcDestroyStructure⚠ |
Releases all memory for a particular structure |
RfcDestroyTable⚠ |
Releases the memory of a table and all its lines. |
RfcDestroyTransaction⚠ |
Releases the memory of the transaction container. |
RfcDestroyTypeDesc⚠ |
Deletes the type description and releases the allocated resources. |
RfcDestroyUnit⚠ |
Releases the memory of the bgRFC unit container. |
RfcEnableAbapClassException⚠ |
Enables this function handle for ABAP class exception support. |
RfcEnableBASXML⚠ |
Enables this function module for the basXML serialization format. |
RfcGetAbapClassException⚠ |
Gets the ABAP exception object handle from the given function handle. |
RfcGetAbapObject⚠ |
Returns a handle to an abap object. |
RfcGetAbapObjectByIndex⚠ |
Returns a handle to an abap object. |
RfcGetBytes⚠ |
Returns the value of the specified field as byte array. |
RfcGetBytesByIndex⚠ |
Returns the value of the specified field as byte array. |
RfcGetCachedClassDesc⚠ |
Looks for a cached class description. |
RfcGetCachedFunctionDesc⚠ |
Looks for a cached function description. |
RfcGetCachedTypeDesc⚠ |
Looks for a cached structure/table description. |
RfcGetChars⚠ |
Returns the value of the specified field as char array. |
RfcGetCharsByIndex⚠ |
Returns the value of the specified field as char array. |
RfcGetClassAttributeDescByIndex⚠ |
Reads the metadata description of the class attribute. |
RfcGetClassAttributeDescByName⚠ |
Reads the metadata description of a class attribute given by name. |
RfcGetClassAttributesCount⚠ |
Returns the number of parameters in the function module definition. |
RfcGetClassDesc⚠ |
Returns the class description that is valid for the system to which rfcHandle points to. |
RfcGetClassName⚠ |
Returns the class's DDIC name. |
RfcGetConnectionAttributes⚠ |
Returns details about the current client or server connection. |
RfcGetCurrentRow⚠ |
Returns the table row, on which the "table cursor" is currently positioned. |
RfcGetDate⚠ |
Reads a DATE field. |
RfcGetDateByIndex⚠ |
Reads a DATE field. |
RfcGetDecF16⚠ |
Returns the field as an 8 byte IEEE 754r decimal floating point. |
RfcGetDecF34⚠ |
Returns the field as a 16 byte IEEE 754r decimal floating point. |
RfcGetDecF16ByIndex⚠ |
Returns the field as an 8 byte IEEE 754r decimal floating point. |
RfcGetDecF34ByIndex⚠ |
Returns the field as a 16 byte IEEE 754r decimal floating point. |
RfcGetDirectionAsString⚠ |
Converts an RFC_DIRECTION direction indicator to a human readable string for logging purposes. |
RfcGetExceptionCount⚠ |
Returns the number of ABAP Exceptions of the function module. |
RfcGetExceptionDescByIndex⚠ |
Reads the metadata description of the function module's ith ABAP Exception. |
RfcGetExceptionDescByName⚠ |
Reads the metadata description of a function module's ABAP Exception given by name. |
RfcGetFieldCount⚠ |
Returns the number of fields in a structure definition. |
RfcGetFieldDescByIndex⚠ |
Reads the field description of the structure's ith field. |
RfcGetFieldDescByName⚠ |
Reads the field description of a field given by name. |
RfcGetFloat⚠ |
Returns the value of the given field as an RFC_FLOAT. |
RfcGetFloatByIndex⚠ |
Returns the value of the given field as an RFC_FLOAT. |
RfcGetFunctionDesc⚠ |
Returns the function description that is valid for the system to which rfcHandle points to. |
RfcGetFunctionName⚠ |
Returns a function module's DDIC name. |
RfcGetImplementedInterfaceByIndex⚠ |
Returns the implemented interfaces of the given class. |
RfcGetImplementedInterfacesCount⚠ |
Returns the number of parent interfaces of the given class. |
RfcGetInt⚠ |
Returns the value of the specified field as RFC_INT (signed). |
RfcGetInt1⚠ |
Returns the value of a field as an unsigned one byte integer. |
RfcGetInt2⚠ |
Returns the field value as a signed two byte integer. |
RfcGetInt1ByIndex⚠ |
Returns the value of a field as an unsigned one byte integer. |
RfcGetInt2ByIndex⚠ |
Returns the field value as a signed two byte integer. |
RfcGetIntByIndex⚠ |
Returns the value of the specified field as RFC_INT (signed). |
RfcGetMetadataQueryFailedEntry⚠ |
Returns the error entry from the metadata query result |
RfcGetMetadataQuerySucceededEntry⚠ |
Returns a succeeded entry from the metadata query result |
RfcGetNum⚠ |
Returns the value of the specified field as num-char array (digits only). |
RfcGetNumByIndex⚠ |
Returns the value of the specified field as num-char array (digits only). |
RfcGetParameterCount⚠ |
Returns the number of parameters in the function module definition. |
RfcGetParameterDescByIndex⚠ |
Reads the metadata description of the function module's ith parameter. |
RfcGetParameterDescByName⚠ |
Reads the metadata description of a function module parameter given by name. |
RfcGetParentClassByIndex⚠ |
Returns the parent classes of the given class. |
RfcGetParentClassesCount⚠ |
Returns the number of parent classes of the given class. |
RfcGetPartnerSNCKey⚠ |
Gets partner's SNC key, if any. |
RfcGetPartnerSNCName⚠ |
Gets the partner's SNC name, if any. |
RfcGetPartnerSSOTicket⚠ |
Gets the partner's SSO2 ticket, if any. |
RfcGetRcAsString⚠ |
Converts an RFC_RC return code to a human readable string for logging purposes. |
RfcGetRowCount⚠ |
Returns the number of rows in a table. |
RfcGetRowType⚠ |
Returns a type description handle describing the line type (metadata) of this table. |
RfcGetServerContext⚠ |
Inside a server function, returns details about the current execution context. |
RfcGetString⚠ |
Returns the value of the specified field as null-terminated string. |
RfcGetStringByIndex⚠ |
Returns the value of the specified field as null-terminated string. |
RfcGetStringLength⚠ |
Returns the length of the value of a STRING or XSTRING parameter. |
RfcGetStringLengthByIndex⚠ |
Returns the length of the value of a STRING or XSTRING parameter. |
RfcGetStructure⚠ |
Returns a handle to a structure. |
RfcGetStructureByIndex⚠ |
Returns a handle to a structure. |
RfcGetTable⚠ |
Returns a handle to a table. |
RfcGetTableByIndex⚠ |
Returns a handle to a table. |
RfcGetTime⚠ |
Reads a TIME field. |
RfcGetTimeByIndex⚠ |
Reads a TIME field. |
RfcGetTransactionID⚠ |
Retrieves a unique 24-digit transaction ID from the backend. |
RfcGetTypeAsString⚠ |
Converts an RFCTYPE data type indicator to a human readable string for logging purposes. |
RfcGetTypeDesc⚠ |
Returns the structure description that is valid for the system to which rfcHandle points to. |
RfcGetTypeLength⚠ |
Returns the total byte length of a structure definition. |
RfcGetTypeName⚠ |
Returns the name of the type. |
RfcGetUnitID⚠ |
Create a 32 digit bgRFC unit ID. |
RfcGetUnitState⚠ |
Retrieves the processing status of the given background unit from the backend system's status management. |
RfcGetVersion⚠ |
Get information about currently loaded sapnwrfc library. |
RfcGetXString⚠ |
Returns the value of the specified field as byte array. |
RfcGetXStringByIndex⚠ |
Returns the value of the specified field as byte array. |
RfcInit⚠ |
Initialization of internal variables |
RfcInsertNewRow⚠ |
Inserts a new empty row at the current position of the table cursor. |
RfcInsertRow⚠ |
Inserts an existing row at the current position of the table cursor. |
RfcInstallAuthorizationCheckHandler⚠ |
Installs an optional callback function for performing authorization checks on incoming function calls. |
RfcInstallBgRfcHandlers⚠ |
Installs the necessary callback functions for processing incoming bgRFC calls. |
RfcInstallGenericServerFunction⚠ |
Installs a generic callback function of type RFC_SERVER_FUNCTION together with a callback function of type RFC_FUNC_DESC_CALLBACK for obtaining the metadata description of unknown function modules. |
RfcInstallPassportManager⚠ |
Installs the necessary callback functions for processing Extended Passport (EPP) events. |
RfcInstallPasswordChangeHandler⚠ |
Installs an optional callback function for processing password change events. |
RfcInstallServerFunction⚠ |
Installs a callback function of type RFC_SERVER_FUNCTION, which will be triggered when a request for the function module corresponding to funcDescHandle comes in from the R/3 system corresponding to sysId. |
RfcInstallTransactionHandlers⚠ |
Installs the necessary callback functions for processing incoming tRFC/qRFC calls. |
RfcInvoke⚠ |
Executes a function module in the backend system. |
RfcInvokeInTransaction⚠ |
Adds a function module call to a transaction. Can be used multiple times on one tHandle. |
RfcInvokeInUnit⚠ |
Adds a function module to a bgRFC unit. |
RfcIsAbapClassExceptionEnabled⚠ |
Checks whether this function handle has been enabled for ABAP class exception support. |
RfcIsBASXMLSupported⚠ |
Returns whether this function module has been enabled for basXML. |
RfcIsConnectionHandleValid⚠ |
Checks an RFC connection |
RfcIsParameterActive⚠ |
Query whether a parameter is active. |
RfcLanguageIsoToSap⚠ |
Converts a 2-char SAP language code to the 1-char SAP language code. |
RfcLanguageSapToIso⚠ |
Converts a 1-char SAP language key to the 2-char SAP language code. |
RfcListenAndDispatch⚠ |
Listens on a server connection handle and waits for incoming RFC calls from the R/3 system. |
RfcMetadataBatchQuery⚠ |
Queries the meta data for function, type and class lists. |
RfcMoveTo⚠ |
Sets the table cursor to a specific index. |
RfcMoveToFirstRow⚠ |
Positions the table cursor at the first row (or at index "-1", if the table is empty). |
RfcMoveToLastRow⚠ |
Positions the table cursor at the last row (or at index "-1", if the table is empty). |
RfcMoveToNextRow⚠ |
Increments the table cursor by one. |
RfcMoveToPreviousRow⚠ |
Decrements the table cursor by one. |
RfcOpenConnection⚠ |
Opens an RFC client connection for invoking ABAP function modules in an R/3 backend. |
RfcPing⚠ |
Ping the remote communication partner through the passed connection handle. |
RfcRegisterServer⚠ |
Registers a server connection at an SAP gateway. |
RfcReloadIniFile⚠ |
Loads the contents of the sapnwrfc.ini file into memory. |
RfcRemoveClassDesc⚠ |
Removes a class description from the cache for the specified R/3 System. |
RfcRemoveFunctionDesc⚠ |
Removes a function description from the cache for the specified R/3 System. |
RfcRemoveTypeDesc⚠ |
Removes a type description from the cache. |
RfcResetServerContext⚠ |
RFC_RC SAP_API RfcResetServerContext |
Converts data in SAP_UC format to UTF-8 format |
RfcSNCKeyToName⚠ |
Converts SNC key to SNC name. |
RfcSNCNameToKey⚠ |
Converts SNC name to SNC key. |
RfcSetAbapClassException⚠ |
Sets the ABAP exception object handle to the given function handle. |
RfcSetAbapObject⚠ |
Copies the object into the target object of the parent container. |
RfcSetAbapObjectByIndex⚠ |
Copies the object into the target object of the parent container. |
RfcSetBytes⚠ |
Sets the given byte value (byteValue/valueLength) into the field. |
RfcSetBytesByIndex⚠ |
Sets the given byte value (byteValue/valueLength) into the field. |
RfcSetChars⚠ |
Sets the given char value (charValue/valueLength) into the field. |
RfcSetCharsByIndex⚠ |
Sets the given char value (charValue/valueLength) into the field. |
RfcSetDate⚠ |
Sets the value of a DATE field. |
RfcSetDateByIndex⚠ |
Sets the value of a DATE field. |
RfcSetDecF16⚠ |
Sets the value of an 8 byte decfloat object into a field. |
RfcSetDecF34⚠ |
Sets the value of a 16 byte decfloat object into a field. |
RfcSetDecF16ByIndex⚠ |
Sets the value of an 8 byte decfloat object into a field. |
RfcSetDecF34ByIndex⚠ |
Sets the value of a 16 byte decfloat object into a field. |
RfcSetFloat⚠ |
Sets a floating point field. |
RfcSetFloatByIndex⚠ |
Sets a floating point field. |
RfcSetIniPath⚠ |
Sets the directory in which to search for the sapnwrfc.ini file. |
RfcSetInt⚠ |
Sets the value of an INT4 field. |
RfcSetInt1⚠ |
Sets the value of an INT1 field. |
RfcSetInt2⚠ |
Sets the value of an INT2 field. |
RfcSetInt1ByIndex⚠ |
Sets the value of an INT1 field. |
RfcSetInt2ByIndex⚠ |
Sets the value of an INT2 field. |
RfcSetIntByIndex⚠ |
Sets the value of an INT4 field. |
RfcSetNum⚠ |
Sets the value of a NUMC field. |
RfcSetNumByIndex⚠ |
Sets the value of a NUMC field. |
RfcSetParameterActive⚠ |
Allows to deactivate certain parameters in the function module interface. |
RfcSetString⚠ |
Sets the given string value (stringValue/valueLength) into the field. |
RfcSetStringByIndex⚠ |
Sets the given string value (stringValue/valueLength) into the field. |
RfcSetStructure⚠ |
Copies the given structure into the target structure of the parent container. |
RfcSetStructureByIndex⚠ |
Copies the given structure into the target structure of the parent container. |
RfcSetTable⚠ |
Copies the given table into the target table of the parent container. |
RfcSetTableByIndex⚠ |
Copies the given table into the target table of the parent container. |
RfcSetTime⚠ |
Sets the value of a TIME field. |
RfcSetTimeByIndex⚠ |
Sets the value of a TIME field. |
RfcSetTraceDir⚠ |
Changes the directory where the NW RFC lib should write trace files. |
RfcSetTraceEncoding⚠ |
Changes the character encoding to be used in trace files. |
RfcSetTraceLevel⚠ |
Sets the current trace level of the specified RFC connection or destination to the new value. |
RfcSetTraceType⚠ |
Changes the way the NW RFC lib writes trace files. |
RfcSetTypeLength⚠ |
Sets the total byte length of the type description. |
RfcSetXString⚠ |
Sets the given byte value (byteValue/valueLength) into the field. |
RfcSetXStringByIndex⚠ |
Sets the given byte value (byteValue/valueLength) into the field. |
RfcStartServer⚠ |
Allows a program to be used as an RFC server which is started by the backend on demand. |
RfcSubmitTransaction⚠ |
Executes the entire LUW in the backend system as an "atomic unit". |
RfcSubmitUnit⚠ |
Executes a bgRFC unit in the backend. |
Converts data in UTF-8 format to SAP_UC strings. |
Type Definitions
DecFloat16 | |
DecFloat34 | |