Function sapnwrfc::binding::RfcSetAbapObjectByIndex [] [src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn RfcSetAbapObjectByIndex(
    index: c_uint,
    errorInfo: *mut RFC_ERROR_INFO
) -> RFC_RC

Copies the object into the target object of the parent container.

This function works exactly like RfcSetAbapObject(), the difference being that the field is addressed by its index within the structure/table/function module. The first field has index 0, last field has index n-1, the order of the fields is as defined in the ABAP DDIC.

\in dataHandle A data container (function handle, structure handle, table handle or object handle). If dataHandle is a table handle, the function will set the field value of the current row. \in *index The index of the field to set. \in value The object to copy. \out *errorInfo Field does not exist or is not of type RFCTYPE_ABAPOBJECT? \return RFC_RC