Function sapnwrfc::binding::RfcSetTimeByIndex [] [src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn RfcSetTimeByIndex(
    index: c_uint,
    time: *mut RFC_CHAR,
    errorInfo: *mut RFC_ERROR_INFO
) -> RFC_RC

Sets the value of a TIME field.

This function works exactly like RfcSetTime(), the difference being that the field is addressed by its index within the structure/table/function module. The first field has index 0, last field has index n-1, the order of the fields is as defined in the ABAP DDIC.

\in dataHandle A data container (function handle, structure handle or table handle). If dataHandle is a table handle, the function will set the field value of the current row. \in *index The index of the field to set. \in time The time value to write into the field. \out *errorInfo Is the field not of type TIME? \return RFC_RC